By auurelianoo
in Meu projeto do curso: Retrato digital no Photoshop com um toque de fantasia
05.04.2021 at 15:52
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1617630754/content-items/007/570/887/01-original.jpg?1617630754">Primeiro fiz o esboço
By auurelianoo
in Meu projeto do curso: Retrato digital no Photoshop com um toque de fantasia
05.04.2021 at 15:53
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1617630802/content-items/007/570/904/02-original.jpg?1617630802">Depois preenchi com cores sólidas
By auurelianoo
in Meu projeto do curso: Retrato digital no Photoshop com um toque de fantasia
05.04.2021 at 15:54
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1617630849/content-items/007/570/910/03-original.jpg?1617630849">Comecei a detalhar as formas para dar volume ao desenho
By auurelianoo
in Meu projeto do curso: Retrato digital no Photoshop com um toque de fantasia
05.04.2021 at 15:55
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1617630903/content-items/007/570/922/04-original.jpg?1617630903">Adicionei o círculo luminoso e um fundo legal e continuei a detalhar algumas partes do desenho
By auurelianoo
in Meu projeto do curso: Retrato digital no Photoshop com um toque de fantasia
05.04.2021 at 15:56
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1617630992/content-items/007/570/936/05-original.jpg?1617630992">Adicionei mais alguns detalhes e ajustei algumas cores
By auurelianoo
in Meu projeto do curso: Retrato digital no Photoshop com um toque de fantasia
05.04.2021 at 15:57
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1617631054/content-items/007/570/948/06-original.jpg?1617631054">Aqui, quase concluído
By auurelianoo
in Meu projeto do curso: Retrato digital no Photoshop com um toque de fantasia
30.12.2020 at 03:17
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1609294637/content-items/006/600/912/SAVE_20201229_212630-original.jpg?1609294637">Sempre termino de editar no adobe lightroom que é a cereja do bolo pra mim. Concluído. A Cyberpunk Girl
Extraordinary. Rich in elements, suggestive, creative, masterful. Your technical mastery is going to take you very far, in addition to your humility because you enter as a student and not as a teacher. The colors are carefully selected. You convey the message with ease and simplicity, you choose the color palette in purple and violet, which tells me that you have evolved rapidly during the pandemic. I am flattered that you show me your project which is a high-flying artistic creation, keep shining, r.
Really good lighting and great colors, you did a good job in creating the glows! The circle light in the background act as a good framing and therefore created a nice composition. Well done on your final project! I hope you enjoyed the process and learned a lot, thank you for taking my course! :)
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Extraordinary. Rich in elements, suggestive, creative, masterful. Your technical mastery is going to take you very far, in addition to your humility because you enter as a student and not as a teacher. The colors are carefully selected. You convey the message with ease and simplicity, you choose the color palette in purple and violet, which tells me that you have evolved rapidly during the pandemic. I am flattered that you show me your project which is a high-flying artistic creation, keep shining, r.
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Teacher PlusReally good lighting and great colors, you did a good job in creating the glows! The circle light in the background act as a good framing and therefore created a nice composition. Well done on your final project! I hope you enjoyed the process and learned a lot, thank you for taking my course! :)
@bearbrickjia - Thank you very much! I'm very happy with your feedback! Your course helped me with many things. I'm very grateful!
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@fioravante777 Thank you!
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@rodolfomoralesm Thank you very much my friend! Success for you too!
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StaffGood work!
How gorgeous! nice job :)
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Veeery nice
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Ball show bro! do you have instagram to see more of your art?
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