By thepotteryparade
in New project: Lucky Potatoes
11.01.2022 at 12:49
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1641901794/content-items/010/152/768/98a_720x-original.jpg?1641901794">Plus
By thepotteryparade
in New project: Lucky Potatoes
11.01.2022 at 12:49
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1641901782/content-items/010/152/766/A_hompies2_7e7869f0-8d70-4b3e-b151-a7c02c5a80b5-original.jpg?1641901782">Plus
By thepotteryparade
in New project: Lucky Potatoes
11.01.2022 at 12:50
I loooove your work!! It is so playfull and colorful! I am just starting to work on ceramics so I do not have many pieces to share. I hope to get as good as you are!
PlusOh how pretty the little rascals are 😍
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I loooove your work!! It is so playfull and colorful! I am just starting to work on ceramics so I do not have many pieces to share. I hope to get as good as you are!
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