Best seller

Logo Design: From Concept to Presentation

Concept Development

A course by Sagi Haviv , Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer. New York, United States.
Joined October 2019

Learn the basic principles of logo design as you find your personal identity as a designer

Best seller
99% positive reviews (3.7K)
61,835 students
Audio: English, Turkish
Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch

About the video: Concept Development


“In this lesson, I want to help you move from this understanding of your client into the concept development. I will be showing some of the proposals we had for them.”

In this video lesson Sagi Haviv addresses the topic: Concept Development, which is part of the Domestika online course: Logo Design: From Concept to Presentation. Learn the basic principles of logo design as you find your personal identity as a designer.

Partial transcription of the video

“UNIT 4 - LESSON 3 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Once we did our fact finding, our interviews... and also decided on an approach, in this case, we're going to pursue a symbol; when we get to sketching, we have to start from an idea. In every one of your projects the search for an idea, will be a completely different pursuit. In this case, we are starting with the original... Harvard University Press logo. Why? Because, we have something in place that is established. It has different parts of it that are meaningful to the organization. So we wanted to see if we can evolve it into something more modern....”

This transcript is automatically generated, so it may contain mistakes.

Course summary for: Logo Design: From Concept to Presentation

  • Level: Beginner
  • 99% positive reviews (3719)
  • 61835 students
  • 5 units
  • 16 lessons (2h 33m)
  • Category

  • Areas

    Branding & Identity, Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design

Sagi Haviv

A course by Sagi Haviv

Teacher Plus
Graphic Designer

Sagi Haviv is a New York-based graphic designer and a partner in the design firm Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv. Among the over 60 identity programs he has designed are the logos for the US Open Tennis Championships, Leonard Bernstein at 100, Harvard University Press, Conservation International, and LA Reid’s Hitco Entertainment.

A go-to expert on the process of effective logo design, Sagi contributes regularly to Bloomberg Businessweek, PBS, Fast Company, and NBC’s Meet The Press. He speaks about logo design around the world, including for TEDx, the AIGA, the HOW Design Conference, the Brand New Conference, Princeton University, the Onassis Foundation, the American Advertising Federation, and Columbia Business School, amongst many others. Sagi has served as Jury Chair for the Clio Awards and the Art Directors Club and Jury President for the D&AD Awards.

  • 99% positive reviews (3.7K)
  • 61,835 students
  • 16 lessons (2h 33m)
  • 12 additional resources (0 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: English, Turkish
  • Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

Logo Design: From Concept to Presentation. Design course by Sagi Haviv Best seller

Logo Design: From Concept to Presentation

A course by Sagi Haviv
Graphic Designer. New York, United States.
Joined October 2019
  • 99% positive reviews (3.7K)
  • 61,835 students