Best seller

Botanical Sketchbooking: A Meditative Approach

What Will We Do in This Course?

A course by Lapin , Urban Sketcher

Urban Sketcher. Barcelona, Spain.
Joined May 2020

Slow down and connect with nature by learning how to illustrate plants and flowers using watercolors

Best seller
98% positive reviews (1.4K)
64,850 students
Audio: English, Turkish
English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch

About the video: What Will We Do in This Course?


“During the course, I will accompany you to observe nature closely. I will give you simple tips to understand a plant from slow and intense observation to translate your emotion in line and colors on paper. Although the process may be challenging, I am sure you will feel serenity with a bit of practice. Making art is a meditation, you just need to breathe and create. ”

In this video lesson Lapin addresses the topic: What Will We Do in This Course?, which is part of the Domestika online course: Botanical Sketchbooking: A Meditative Approach. Slow down and connect with nature by learning how to illustrate plants and flowers using watercolors.

Partial transcription of the video

“What Will We Do in This Course? Now I will explain what we'll do in this course. Our modern society pressures us a lot to be stressful, to be always connected. We have social media and the pressure to be always efficient. Actually, I want you to take a break during this course, because we need to get back to our human nature and to have some breaks to rest and to breathe. Being a father, I'm always telling my daughter that it's good to get bored, it's when the creative process is happening. I really want you to forget about everything else and to focus only on your creativity, and to make a...”

This transcript is automatically generated, so it may contain mistakes.


Course summary for: Botanical Sketchbooking: A Meditative Approach

  • Level: Beginner
  • 98% positive reviews (1353)
  • 64850 students
  • 4 units
  • 24 lessons (5h 28m)
  • Category

  • Software

    Adobe Photoshop
  • Areas

    Botanical Illustration, Drawing, Sketchbook, Sketching, Traditional illustration, Watercolor Painting


A course by Lapin

Teacher Plus
Urban Sketcher

Lapin is an urban sketcher based in Barcelona, Spain. As a young boy, he remembers accompanying his father—an airplane technician—to his workplace to draw planes and imagine their stories. His three passions remain the same to this day: aviation, paleontology, and drawing.

In 18 years, he has filled over 200 sketchbooks, published 30 books, and was named the official air and space painter for the French Army in 2019. He’s a member of the Urban Sketching Community since 2008 and teaches Illustration Masters students at Elisava in Barcelona, as well as his own urban sketching workshops. His clients include the French Army, Air France, the City of Barcelona, Le Parisien Magazine, PlayStation, Heineken, Marks & Spencer, Aigle, Peugeot, Porsche, and Formula One.

  • 98% positive reviews (1.4K)
  • 64,850 students
  • 24 lessons (5h 28m)
  • 12 additional resources (5 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: English, Turkish
  • English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

Botanical Sketchbooking: A Meditative Approach. Illustration course by Lapin Best seller

Botanical Sketchbooking: A Meditative Approach

A course by Lapin
Urban Sketcher. Barcelona, Spain.
Joined May 2020
  • 98% positive reviews (1.4K)
  • 64,850 students