Adolfo Serra
Explorador de hojas en blanco.
Estudié Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, pero pronto retomé los lápices y las acuarelas en la Escuela de ArteDiez de Madrid. Desde entonces mi mesa se ha llenado de colores, papeles y texturas.
Ilustrar es decidir, ilustrar es contar, ilustrar es observar, ilustrar es... muchas cosas y depende de la visión de cada uno.
Introduction to Children’s Illustration
Learn to illustrate a classic story using manual and traditional techniques
A course by Adolfo Serra, Illustrator
Illustration Techniques to Unlock your Creativity
Create an artist’s portfolio and develop your own universe of pictorial resources
A course by Adolfo Serra, Painter and illustrator
Acrylic Illustration: Create a Magical Universe
Experiment with acrylic paint and express your ideas by playing with colors, symbols, monsters and myths
A course by Adolfo Serra, Illustrator
Creative Illustration: Play with Unexpected Materials
Awaken your creativity with everyday items, from coffee to feathers or an apple, and create illustrations freely and without judgment.
A course by Adolfo Serra, Illustrator
Professional listing
- Adolfo Serra – @adolfoserra
- Ilustrador
Joined May 2017