leonstudio teaches this course

Design of Miniature CGI Sets
A course by Javier Leon
Learn to model, texture and render scenes for cinema and advertising
- 1,786
- 99% (76)
leonstudio is participating in these courses

Confection of Miniature Clothing
A course by Carolina Alles
Learn the process for designing, patternmaking, and sewing original miniature clothes
- 14,162
- 98% (570)

Basic Principles of 3D Animation
A course by Hugo García
Learn to bring your ideas to life in a 3D environment
- 2,039
- 100% (131)

Modern Watercolor Techniques
A course by Ana Victoria Calderon
Paint with watercolors in a technical and creative way
- 218,089
- 99% (10K)

Drawing for Beginners Level -1
A course by Puño
Create your first sketchbook by applying basic techniques for drawing by hand
- 257,192
- 99% (10K)

Credit Titles Animated with 3D Cameras and After Effects
A course by Fernando Domínguez Cózar
Design and animate film credits from the sketch to the final post-production
- 2,772
- 99% (134)