Using the Desert to Create a Whimsical Landscape

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" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1647976229/content-items/010/916/025/ACS_0773-original.JPG?1647976229">Using the Desert to Create a Whimsical Landscape 3

Next, I chose warm desert colors and used various embroidery stitches to create texture and pattern.

Pro By mcreativej in Using the Desert to Create a Whimsical Landscape 22.03.2022 at 20:10
" href=",dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1647976229/content-items/010/916/024/IMG_0485%2520%25284%2529-original.jpg?1647976229">Using the Desert to Create a Whimsical Landscape 5

Once I was happy with the design, I stitch it in a couple different colorways. The purple and blue option felt like the desert at night.

Want to stitch this desert landscape? Find the full kit in my shop:


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