Design and create a 'stained glass' embroidery


A course by Melissa , Fiber artist

Fiber artist. Seattle, United States.
Joined November 2021

Create a beautiful 'stained glass' embroidery piece hrough a step-by-step process. Start with basic materials and end with a stunning finished product.

  • 100% positive reviews (2)
  • 267 students
  • Audio: English
  • English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch

About the video: Materials


“Here is what you will need to get started creating your own stained glass-inspired landscape embroidery.”

In this video lesson Melissa addresses the topic: Materials, which is part of the Domestika online course: Design and create a 'stained glass' embroidery. Create a beautiful 'stained glass' embroidery piece hrough a step-by-step process. Start with basic materials and end with a stunning finished product..

Partial transcription of the video

“So now that you've learned about me and what drives my work, I'd like to show you about the materials we're going to use in this course. I like to use quilter's cotton or linen fabric. This has a nice even weave and doesn't stretch a lot when you're embroidering. You can really embroider on anything, so if you wanted to embroider on any kind of fabric, go for it. If you're a beginner, I recommend using quilter's cotton or linen just because it's easier when you start embroidering. It's not going to stretch a whole lot inside your hoop. For your hoop, I like to use a beechwood embroidery hoo...”

This transcript is automatically generated, so it may contain mistakes.

88% Disc. Original price $59.99USD

Course summary for: Design and create a 'stained glass' embroidery

  • Level: Beginner
  • 100% positive reviews (2)
  • 267 students
  • 4 units
  • 11 lessons (1h 17m)
  • Category

  • Areas

    Embroidery, Textile Design, Textile Illustration, Traditional illustration


A course by Melissa

Teacher Plus
Fiber artist

Melissa Galbraith, the talented fiber artist behind MCreativeJ, is a passionate advocate for the art of embroidery. Drawing inspiration from her love of nature, Melissa creates whimsical and modern embroidery patterns and kits that captivate the imagination.

Born and raised in the desert of Washington state, Melissa's upbringing fostered a deep appreciation for crafting by hand. After finding her desk job monotonous, Melissa rediscovered her love for embroidery and its ability to unleash her creativity. Her portable craft allows her to play with texture and color, capturing the beauty she finds all around her.

Melissa's expertise and talent have garnered recognition, with her work featured in Love Embroidery and Belle Armoire Jewelry magazines, as well as by renowned brands such as DMC and Etsy. She has also received accolades, including first place at the Woodlawn Needlework Exhibit.

  • 100% positive reviews (2)
  • 267 students
  • 11 lessons (1h 17m)
  • 17 additional resources (6 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: English
  • English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

Design and create a 'stained glass' embroidery. Craft course by Melissa

Design and create a 'stained glass' embroidery

A course by Melissa
Fiber artist. Seattle, United States.
Joined November 2021
  • 100% positive reviews (2)
  • 267 students