Introduction to SketchUp for Architects and Interior Designers

Editing the Model: Exploded Axonometric View

A course by Kritika Thakur , Architect

Architect . Chandigarh, India.
Joined October 2022

Grasp the basics of Sketchup and create 3d models for architecture and interior design.

100% positive reviews (3)
330 students
Audio: English, Spanish
English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch

About the video: Editing the Model: Exploded Axonometric View


“In this lesson, you will see how to create an exploded axonometric view by using the Move tool. ”

In this video lesson Kritika Thakur addresses the topic: Editing the Model: Exploded Axonometric View, which is part of the Domestika online course: Introduction to SketchUp for Architects and Interior Designers. Grasp the basics of Sketchup and create 3d models for architecture and interior design..

Partial transcription of the video

“In this lesson, we will see how to create an axonometric view using a move tool to explode the 3D model. Let me show you how. So now here you can see we have added all the materials. We have done all the finishing touches. We have decorated our bedroom. It's time to create an exploded axonometric view of this bedroom. So I will tell you how you can do that. Hide this wall first. Then what I'm going to do is I'm going to select the slab and the ceiling and create a group of this. So here I have a group of it. Now what I will do is I'll unhide the wall. Now select the slab and then take the m...”

This transcript is automatically generated, so it may contain mistakes.

Course summary for: Introduction to SketchUp for Architects and Interior Designers

  • Level: Beginner
  • 100% positive reviews (3)
  • 330 students
  • 5 units
  • 20 lessons (2h 29m)
  • Category

    Architecture & Spaces
  • Software

    Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp
  • Areas

    Architecture, ArchVIZ, Digital Architecture, Interior Design, Spatial Design

Kritika Thakur

A course by Kritika Thakur

Teacher Plus

Kritika is an architect and founder of @art.ikki, a platform dedicated to creating 2D and 3D architectural illustrations. With a track record in online teaching, Kritika has helped over 1200 students improve their digital design skills.

Her focus is on the clarity and simplicity of architectural presentations, using tools such as SketchUp and Photoshop to transform ideas into detailed visual representations.

Throughout her career, Kritika has collaborated with various companies in India and abroad, such as Morpholio, Devallum, Studio Built Environment and Terra Design House, where she has applied her experience in digital illustration for architectural projects.

  • 100% positive reviews (3)
  • 330 students
  • 20 lessons (2h 29m)
  • 22 additional resources (9 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: English, Spanish
  • English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

Introduction to SketchUp for Architects and Interior Designers. Architecture, and Spaces course by Kritika Thakur

Introduction to SketchUp for Architects and Interior Designers

A course by Kritika Thakur
Architect . Chandigarh, India.
Joined October 2022
  • 100% positive reviews (3)
  • 330 students