Artistic Illustration with Experimental Techniques

A course by Javier Casas "Moscko" , Graphic designer and illustrator

Graphic designer and illustrator. Bogota, Colombia.
Joined September 2016

Learn digital and analog techniques to fill your creations with expression

99% positive reviews (105)
1,641 students
Audio: Spanish
Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, Italian, French, Polish, Dutch

Learn digital and analog techniques to fill your creations with expression

To achieve unique illustrations it is essential to let your imagination fly and experiment with different techniques, both digital and analog. Javier Casas - better known as Moscko - is a graphic designer by profession and illustrator at heart who finds in the experimentation the key elements to create his works. With more than 10 years of experience developing projects for clients such as Bogoshorts, Okan Project and Index Studies and visual art projects reviewed in magazines such as Bacánika or Inkygoodness, in this course, Javier will share all his secrets.

You will learn to develop artistic skills to create fantastic digital illustrations, from the idea approach, through concept maps, reference analysis and search, to the creation of graphic material. You will learn analog and digital experimentation techniques, to create an image with which to explore all its visual possibilities and reproduce it in a high quality print.

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What will you learn in this online course?

14 lessons & 16 downloads

  • 99% positive reviews (105)
  • 1,641 students
  • 14 lessons (1h 49m)
  • 16 additional resources (7 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: Spanish
  • Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, Italian, French, Polish, Dutch
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

What is this course's project?

You will create an experimental image or illustration, which you will print in high quality (giclee).

Projects by course students

Who is this online course for?

To designers, illustrators, artists and anyone interested in experimenting with digital techniques.

Requirements and materials

You will need basic knowledge of illustration and management of Adobe Photoshop.

On the materials, you will need a computer with Photoshop installed, a graphics tablet, a scanner (or camera) to digitize the material, and also watercolor or cardboard paper, brushes, acrylics, black ink and watercolors.


1,641 Students
105 Reviews
99% Positive ratings
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Javier Casas "Moscko"

A course by Javier Casas "Moscko"

Teacher Plus
Graphic designer and illustrator

Javier Casas, better known as "Moscko", studied graphic design at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogotá (Colombia). Since he has memory he draws and never lost his habit. During his academic training as a designer he always had a particular interest in illustration as a language or communication element.

Since 2010 he works in his own studio creating creative strategies through design, illustration and painting for companies, agencies, magazines, studios, digital media and videogames. His academic training has given him an interpretation and personal appropriation of the image, about which he tries to leave his mark. Currently, more than a graphic designer, illustrator or artist, he defines himself as a creator of visual dreams.


  • U1


    • Presentation
    • Influences
    • What will we do in the course?
  • U2

    Approach to artistic illustration

    • Who I am and what I want to tell
    • Concept maps and brainstorming
    • Visual References / Moodboard
    • Search for our own treasures
  • U3

    Experimentation and creation: the digital and the artistic

    • Creating my own resources in analog (Manoshop)
    • Digital sketching and doodles
    • Cut, combine and edit
    • Digital experimentation
    • Cake Cherries / Adding Additional Resources
  • U4

    Artistic reproduction

    • Play with your image
    • High quality printing tips
  • FP

    Final project

    • x Artistic experimental illustration techniques

What to expect from a Domestika course

  • Learn at your own pace

    Enjoy learning from home without a set schedule and with an easy-to-follow method. You set your own pace.

  • Learn from the best professionals

    Learn valuable methods and techniques explained by top experts in the creative sector.

  • Meet expert teachers

    Each expert teaches what they do best, with clear guidelines, true passion, and professional insight in every lesson.

  • Certificates

    If you're a Plus member, get a custom certificate signed by your teacher for every course. Share it on your portfolio, social media, or wherever you like.

  • Get front-row seats

    Videos of the highest quality, so you don't miss a single detail. With unlimited access, you can watch them as many times as you need to perfect your technique.

  • Share knowledge and ideas

    Ask questions, request feedback, or offer solutions. Share your learning experience with other students in the community who are as passionate about creativity as you are.

  • Connect with a global creative community

    The community is home to millions of people from around the world who are curious and passionate about exploring and expressing their creativity.

  • Watch professionally produced courses

    Domestika curates its teacher roster and produces every course in-house to ensure a high-quality online learning experience.


Domestika's courses are online classes that provide you with the tools and skills you need to complete a specific project. Every step of the project combines video lessons with complementary instructional material, so you can learn by doing. Domestika's courses also allow you to share your own projects with the teacher and with other students, creating a dynamic course community.

All courses are 100% online, so once they're published, courses start and finish whenever you want. You set the pace of the class. You can go back to review what interests you most and skip what you already know, ask questions, answer questions, share your projects, and more.

The courses are divided into different units. Each one includes lessons, informational text, tasks, and practice exercises to help you carry out your project step by step, with additional complementary resources and downloads. You'll also have access to an exclusive forum where you can interact with the teacher and with other students, as well as share your work and your course project, creating a community around the course.

You can redeem the course you received by accessing the redeeming page and entering your gift code.

If you're a Plus member, when you complete a course you've purchased, you'll instantly get your personalized certificate. You can see all your certificates in the Certificates section of your profile. You can download your certificates as PDFs and share the link online. Learn more about certificates.
Artistic Illustration with Experimental Techniques. Illustration course by Javier Casas "Moscko"

Artistic Illustration with Experimental Techniques

A course by Javier Casas "Moscko"
Graphic designer and illustrator. Bogota, Colombia.
Joined September 2016
  • 99% positive reviews (105)
  • 1,641 students